Saturday, November 8, 2014

dbForge Studio for MySQL Professional Edition V-5.0.67 Full [With Crack]

dbForge Studio for MySQL is a comprehensive software, designed to work with MySQL , combining features of phpMyAdmin, MySQL Administrator, and other tools for GUI of MySQL .

It works with any database server MySQL from version 3.23 to 5.5 and supports most of the latest features of MySQL , including stored procedures, triggers, views, functions, events, etc. The Devart tool has a unique feature - the stored procedure debugger that helps you find errors in SQL code and correct them.

Here are some key features of " dbForge Studio for MySQL ":
SQL Query Analyzer
Code Completion ( MySQL Intellisense)
Syntax Highlighting
Visual Query Builder
In for quick formation on schema objects
Bezel SQL code ( for mateador code)
Automatic syntax checking on the fly
Database diagram
Schema comparison and synchronization
Object Editor visual scheme
Object Viewer for quick navigation objects MySQL
Window server variables
Security Manager (manage user accounts and privileges)
Session Manager
Service Control for starting and stopping servers MySQL
Wizard maintaining tables and dialogs Flush
Debug Tool .


Note: Remember to disable your antivirus during the patching process.

To apply the patch first unzip the files with Winrar or any decompressing that attacks you.
Run dbforgemysql.exe file (this will be the standard Windows installation), then the end of the installation does not run the program.
Enter into the folder named Devart.dbForge.MySQL.v5.0.67.Crack-TPoDT , find three files there:
4. Run the Parch.exe file (if you use Windows 7 or above, run the same as Administrator, right click and click on the option that says "Run as Administrator"), a window will open with a button that says " Patch ", click on it.
5. A new window that will allow you to search for a route, here all you have to do is find where the application was installed usually is here (\ Program Files (x86) \ Devart \ dbForgeStudio for MySQL C) will open
in June. Go to the file named "dbforgemysql.exe" select it and click the open button, a message should appear saying the patch was successful.

Now with that dbForge Studio for MySQL remained ready to use professional tool.

  • if helpful please leave a comment

Sunday, November 2, 2014

What is Functional and non-Functional Requirement ?

Basically, functional requirements describe the features, functioning, and usage of a product/system/software from the perspective of the product and its user. Although referred to as "requirements," they really are a form of design, albeit high-level. Functional requirements also often are called "functional specifications," and "specification" is a synonym for design.

Non-functional requirements are not non-functional at all. Rather, they describe various quality factors, or attributes, which affect the functionality's effectiveness. They do not exist in the abstract but only with respect to relevant functionality. They are often called "ilities," because many end in "ility," such as, usability, reliability, and maintainability.

For instance, if the software doesn't satisfy relevant usability requirements for applicable functional usage, users can't use it appropriately and thus will not achieve the required functioning. Inadequate usability may cause errors which nullify the value of the functioning, such as miscalculating something. Usability difficulties could cause the user not to use (all) the functions necessary to achieve the value, perhaps because they're not able to employ the necessary functions. It may take so long and be so unpleasant to use the software that the user can't use it as much as is needed or even abandons its use entirely.

Saturday, October 18, 2014

Creating First Python Application Using Google App Engine

In this post we will use App Engine services from Google that provides a free playground for us to develop Python web applications. Google App Engine (often referred to as GAE or simply App Engine) is a platform as a service (PaaS) cloud computing platform for developing and hosting web applications in Google-managed data centers. Applications are sandboxed and run across multiple servers. App Engine offers automatic scaling for web applications—as the number of requests increases for an application, App Engine automatically allocates more resources for the web application to handle the additional demand.

1. Creating Google App Engine Application

We need to register our application with your Google account to Hit the “Create Application” button and fill everything in the form. Just set to as is in the form if you do not sure what you are doing. I use “hello-app-engine” for the application name, you should change all the name in this toturial to your application name.

2. Creating Local Application

If you are new to AppEngine or GAE, it is better if you use the Google App Engine Launcher desktop application from your computer. Many other people prefer to use the command line that also provided by App Engine. You can find the launcher in the App Engine SDK installation on your hard drive or use comman line appengine_launcher. We need to create a local application using the SDK with the application name we have created before. Click on menu File > Create New Appliation…
There are 4 files generated by the SDK app.yamlfavicon.icoindex.yaml and The application uses webapp2 as a Python web framework.

File app.yaml

The line script: will execute the app in the file. Click on menu Run and Browse, your browser will opens the web application from localhost with ‘Hello world!’ printed on the page.

3. Deploying Application

You will need to deploy the application to the internet. Click the Deploy button and provide your registered email address and password for the Google App Engine. Now you can visit your site from your browser. Happy coding!